Monday, February 29, 2016

073 - Commitment - Stalin & Churchill

President Truman attended the Yalta Conference of the Allies during the Second World War. He found Winston Churchill very difficult, adamant and hard to convince of anything. On the other hand, he found Joseph Stalin of Russia very affable, friendly and easy to convince.

Churchill literally fought before putting his signature on any agreement or amendment. Stalin was ever ready to cooperate and signed agreements without much difficulty.

The Yalta conference conluded. The implementation of agreements began. Then Truman found out the truth. Winston Churchill adhered to all the agreements and implemented them with total sincerity. Joseph Stalin did not care about what was agreed and proceeded energetically to implement his own secret agenda. The result of the two approaches is now history.

Then Truman realised that Churchill was being difficult because he had every intention of being committed to the agreements. Stalin was friendly and was ready to agree because he had no intention of fulfilling the commitments.

source: Stories from Here and There, Ekalavya Education Foundation - By: Sunil Handa

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