Wednesday, March 2, 2016

079 - Better I learn to live with it

A man went to see a psychiatrist and said that every night he was visited by a twelve-foot dragon with three heads. He was a nervous wreck, could not sleep at all and was on the verge of total collapse. He had even thought of suicide.

"I think I can help you," said the psychiatrist, "but I must warn you that it will take a year or two and will cost three thousand dollars."

"Three thousand dollars!" the man exclaimed. "Forget it! I will just go home and make friends with it."

A teacher once asked a pupil what was bothering him.

"My poverty," was the reply. "So wretched is my condition that I can hardly study and pray."

"In this day and age," said the teacher, "the finest prayer and the finest study lies in accepting life exactly as you find it."

source: Stories from Here and There, Ekalavya Education Foundation - By: Sunil Handa

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