Friday, March 4, 2016

092 - You do not have to break the law

Mulla Nasrudin found a diamond by the road-side but, according to the law, finders became keepers only if they first announced their find in the centre of the marketplace on three separate occasions.

Now Nasrudin was too religious minded to disregard the law and too greedy to run the risk of parting with his find.So on three consecutive nights when he was sure that everyone was fast asleep he went to the centre of the marketplace and there announced in a soft voice, "I have found a diamond on the road that leads to the town. Anyone knowing who the owner is should contact me at once."

No one was the wiser for the Mullah's words, of course, except for one man who happened to be standing at his window on the third night and heard the Mullah murmur something. When he attempted to find out what it was, Nasrudin replied, "I am in no way obliged to tell you. But this much I shall say, being a religious man, I went out there at night to pronounce certain words in fulfillment of the Law."

To be properly wicked, you do not have to break the Law.
Just observe it to the letter !

source: Stories from Here and There, Ekalavya Education Foundation - By: Sunil Handa

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