Friday, March 4, 2016

095 - Honesty - best qualification

C.V Raman had built the Raman Research Institute in 1949. Several applicants were interviewed for the post of scientific assistant. After the interviews were over, Raman found one applicant ( who was found unsuitable for the post ) still waiting outside the interview room.

Raman approached him and asked sharply, "What are you doing here? I told you, we cannot take you in. Why do you linger here?"

"Sir, I know that, but I've come back to return the excess travelling allowance paid to me by mistake by your office" ... the applicant stuttered.

"Oh, is it?" said Raman, surprised, keeping his hand on the applicant's shoulder, and taking him to his office. "Come in, you have just been selected for the post ! It matters not if your physics in inadequate. I can teach you that. You're a man of character. That's important to me!"

source: Stories from Here and There, Ekalavya Education Foundation - By: Sunil Handa

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