Wednesday, March 9, 2016

110 - Do not be angry

The first lesson given by the guru to Yudhisthira and his brothers was 'Do not be angry.' All of them read, "Do not be angry." The same lesson was dictated and corrected. After it the guru commanded, "Now you may go. Come tomorrow and I will put you to test on this lesson."

The next day when all the brothers arrived at the guru's ashram, he asked them if they had learnt the lesson. All the brothers - Arjuna, Bhima, Nakula and Sahadeva repeated the lesson but Yudhishtira did not do it.

At this the guru commanded, "Yudhisthira! Have you not learnt the lesson?" "Not as yet, gurudev," replied Yudhisthira politely.

The guru reprimanded him saying that he was the eldest of the brothers and was still the slowest to learn. He demanded of him to learn the lesson the next day. In response Yudhisthira promised to do his best.

The next day Yudhisthira again submitted that he could not learn the lesson. Hearing this the guru's tone became harsh and he said, "Are you a human being or a donkey? You have not been able to learn a three - lettered lesson !" He took a step ahead and slapped Yudhisthira on his face. Yudhisthira assuaging his cheek again promised to do his best the next day.

On the third day the first thing the guru did was to ask Yudhisthira if he was prepared with his lesson. "Not as yet," was Yudhisthira's submissive response. At this the guru gave him a few slaps and rebuked him saying, "You have made no effort to learn it, being negligent. Tomorrow if you don't learn it I will be very cruel to you." Yudhisthira bowed his head and again promised to try his best.

That day after taking leave from his guru he directly headed for Duryodhana and his ilk to test his own temper. He felt their sarcasms, taunts and innuendos still made him somewhat angry, still upset him.

It was the fourth day. On being asked if he was by now prepared with this lesson, Yudhisthira bowed his head, folded his hands and meekly muttered, "Gurudev! I am as yet not fully thorough with it."

Hearing this the guru delivered a volley of slaps on his face until he felt exhausted. But what surprised the guru was that Yudhisthira was cool and smiling. The guru said, "Why are you smiling?" At this Yudhisthira answered, "You have given this lesson. Now I can say that I have learnt the lesson."

Hearing this the guru held him in an affectionate embrace saying, "Now I understand. You knew the three - lettered - lesson but you wanted to assimilate the true import of the lesson, which took you time. You have passed the test, it is I who has failed."

source: Stories from Here and There, Ekalavya Education Foundation - By: Sunil Handa

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