Monday, June 20, 2016

Buddha and the Temper - Osho

Buddha was passing near a village; a few people came and they abused him very badly, said nasty things, used vulgar words -- and he just stood there. They got a little puzzled, because he was not reacting. Then somebody from the crowd said, "Why are you silent? Answer what we are saying!"

Buddha said, "You came a little late. You should have come ten years ago, because then I would have reacted. But now I am not there where you are doing these things to me; a distance has arisen. Now I have moved to the center where you cannot touch me. You came a little late. I am sorry for you, but I enjoy it. Now I am in a hurry, because in the other village where I am going, people will be waiting for me. If you are not yet finished, then I will pass back by the same route. You can come again. IT SOUNDS FASCINATING."

They were puzzled. What to do with such a man? Another from the crowd asked, "Really, are you not going to say anything?"

Buddha said, "In the village I have come from just now, people came with many sweets to present to me, but I take things only when I am hungry, and I was not hungry, so I gave them back their sweets. I ask you, what will they do?"

So the man said, "Of course, they will go in the village and give those sweets as PRASAD to people."
So Buddha started laughing and he said, "You are really in trouble, you are in mess -- what will you do? You brought these vulgar words to me, and I say I am not hungry -- so now take them back! And I feel very sorry for your village, because people will get such vulgar things, vulgar words in their prasad."

When you are at the center, IT SOUNDS FASCINATING -- you can enjoy it. When you are cool you can enjoy the whole world. When you are hot you cannot enjoy it, because you get so much into it; you are lost, you are identified. You become so messed up in it, how can you enjoy it?

This may sound paradoxical, but I tell you: only a Buddha enjoys this world. Then everything sounds fascinating.

Source: Osho - And the Flowers Showered...

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