Monday, June 27, 2016

Zen - Paradox - Osho

And remember, and always keep it in your heart: truth, love, life, meditation, ecstacy, bliss, all that is true and beautiful and good, always exists as a paradox:

  • in the world, and not of it;
  •  with people, yet alone;
  • doing everything, and being inactive;
  • moving and not moving;
  • living an ordinary life. and yet not being identified with it;
  • working as everybody else is working, yet remaining aloof deep down.

Being in the world and not of the world, that is the paradox. And when you attain this paradox, the greatest peak happens to you: the peak of experience.

If you start living this paradox your life will become a symphony; it will become a higher and higher synthesis of all the opposites. In YOU, then, all opposites will dissolve.

In this moment you can awake. You can look, you can shake the mind a little, create a discontinuity, and suddenly you understand... what Arthur Koestler misses. If you are also too intelligent, you will miss. Don't be too intelligent, don't try to be too clever, because there is a wisdom which is attained by those who become fools; there is a wisdom which is attained by those who become like madmen; there is a wisdom which is attained only when you lose your mind.

Source: Osho - And the Flowers Showered...

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