Friday, December 9, 2011

develop awareness

"So there are three types of people: the most outwardly collect things, but those things cannot be carried to the other shore. Then the second who are not so outwardly, but are still outward, collect knowledge, scriptures, theories, philosophies. They are more clever but still stupid, because knowledge is accumulated in the brain and the brain is part of the body, the innermost part, but still part of the body. And when the body drops, the brain drops. Then there is the third person, who accumulates awareness, who cultivates awareness, whose whole life goal is to be more and more conscious.

This conciousness is your innermost self. Only this consciouness goes to the other shore, only this consciousness belongs to the other shore. In this body, both worlds exist: this and that, of matter and of consciouness. And between these two worlds there exists an interlink. That interlink is your knowledge. Drop things and drop knowledge. Just grow more and more in awareness, consciousness, become more and more alert. The more alert, the more you will carry from this world to the other; you will not go like a poor man, you will go rich. In this world you may look like a poor man, like a buddha, a beggar, a bhikkhu, but in the other world you will be like a king, because you will carry only yourself. " 

 - Osho, the mustard seed, the revolutionary teachings of Jesus - commentaries on the gnostic gospel of Thomas

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