Tuesday, January 26, 2016

011 - A bright future

We often make efforts to motivate our team members. Many times we promise a bright future for the company and the individual.

There was a dhobi. He had a donkey which was doing, as usual, all the donkey's work. The donkey was totally fed up, tired and frustrated with his life. He was just waiting to quit.

One day his donkey met another dhobi's donkey at the ghat. They started talking. The first donkey expressed his total dissatisfaction with his life.

The second donkey said, "Look. I was also totally frustrated like you. There was no motivation in my life. But, last week my master said something which made me believe that I have a bright future. He was very upset with his daughter and shouted at her in a very angry voice, "If you do not mend your ways, I will get you married to our donkey. Now there is something for me to look forward to. I believe that I have a bright future!"

Now whenever I speak of a bright future to any team, a smile comes on my face as this story immediately comes to my mind!

source: Stories from Here and There, Ekalavya Education Foundation - By: Sunil Handa http://www.eklavya.org/storyhere.html

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