Saturday, March 5, 2016

097 - One hundred asherphies

Akbar told his ministers, "I give you 400 asherphies (silver coins) each. You are required to spend them in such a way that I get 100 asherphies back on earth, 100 asherphies back in heaven, 100 asherphies neither here nor there, and you must return 100 asherphies to me intact."

This problem was too difficult for all except Birbal. He took the money. The son of a rich trader was getting married. He went to him and said the king has send 100 asherphies as a wedding gift. The trader was very happy and gave larger amount of money as return gift. The Birbal bought clothes for 100 asherphies and distributed them to the poor in the name of King Akbar. Afterwards he threw a party and spent 100 asherphies towards it. The remaining 100 asherphies he returned to Akbar.

At court, Birbal explained that 100 asherphies which he gave to the trader were here, 100 asherphies which he distributed among the poor were for there, 100 asherphies which he spent on the party were neither here nor for there, and rest 100 asherphies he returned to the King.

Everyone appreciated the wisdom of Birbal.

 Stories from Here and There, Ekalavya Education Foundation - By: Sunil Handa

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