Saturday, March 5, 2016

098 - Three stories of encouragement

A tourist arrived late at the golf course and had to take a young lad of ten as caddie. He was a tiny fellow, knew next to nothing about the course or the game and he spoke only three words of English.

Thanks to those three words, however, the tourist made him his caddie for the rest of his stay. After each shot, regardless of the result, the little fellow would stamp his foot and shout with feeling, "Damned good shot!"

A woman was deeply hurt by the behaviour of her fifteen year old son. Each time they went out together he would walk on ahead of her. Was he ashamed of her ? One day she asked him.

"Oh, Mom, no," was his embarrassed reply. "It's just that you look so young and I'm worried my friends will suspect I have a new girl friend."

Her hurt vanished as if by magic.

A little girl went to her teacher one day and said, "Ma'am, ma'am, look at my paper!"

She showed her paper and every word was spelt wrongly. The teacher looked at her and said, "Dear lady, I really  like your paper - the margins are nice and neat and your printing is clean and readable."

And she said, "Thank you Ma'am. I have really been working hard on it. Next time I am going to work on my spelling."

source: Stories from Here and There, Ekalavya Education Foundation - By: Sunil Handa

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