Thursday, June 30, 2016

Osho - All that is beautiful is Indirect

One has to learn deeply that all that is beautiful is indirect. You cannot make an attack upon it, you cannot be aggressive with it; you cannot snatch from existence. If you are violent and aggressive, you will not find it. Move towards it like a drunkard, not knowing where, not knowing why, like a drunkard - - lost completely, you move towards it.
All meditations are subtle ways to make you drunk, subtle ways to make you drunkards of the unknown, drunkards of the divine. Then you are no longer there with your conscious mind functioning, then you are not there expecting, then you are not there planning for the future. You are NOT. And when you are not, suddenly flowers start showering on you, flowers of bliss. Just like Subhuti, empty... you are surprised! You were never expecting, you never knew! You never felt that you ever deserved it; that's how it is felt -- like a grace, because it is not something YOU have brought on, it is something which has happened.
Understanding is not a question of keen intelligence; understanding is a question of deep rapport. Understanding is not a question of reason, intellect, logic. Understanding is a question of deep sympathy, or even of deep empathy; hence the central significance of trust, faith. Understanding happens through faith, because in faith you trust, in trust you become sympathetic, in trust rapport is possible -- because you are not defensive, you leave the doors open.

Source: Osho - And the Flowers Showered...

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