Thursday, June 30, 2016

Osho - Drop the Trinity

When you are not, the whole existence feels ecstatic and celebrates; flowers shower on you. They have not showered yet because you ARE, and they will not shower until you dissolve. When you are empty, no more, when you are a nothingness, SHUNYATA, suddenly they start showering. They have showered on Buddha, on Subhuti, on Nansen;
they can shower on YOU -- they are waiting. They are knocking at the door. They are ready. Just the moment you become empty, they start falling on you. So remember it: the final liberation is not YOUR liberation, the final liberation is FROM YOU. Enlightenment is not yours, cannot be. When you are not, it is there. Drop yourself
in your totalness: the world of things, the world of thoughts, the world of the self; all three layers, drop. Drop this trinity; drop this TRIMURTI, drop these three faces, because if you are there then the one cannot be. If you are three, how can the one be?

Let all three disappear -- God, the Holy Ghost and the Son; Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh -- all the three, let them drop! Let them disappear. Nobody remains -- and then everything is there. When nothing happens, the all happens. You are nothing... the all starts showering on you.

Source: Osho - And the Flowers Showered...

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